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The following terms and conditions will apply to the use of the website of the company Falelakis. The use of the site requires the unconditional acceptance of the following terms, without exception, which you should read carefully. The use of Falelakis website is explicitly prohibited in case of non-acceptance of the present terms of use. The use of the aforementioned website implies the full acceptance of the terms and conditions set by Falelakis.
Visitors of the website agree that:
They will use their real information (surname, name, address, email) in the contact forms.
They will use the site in accordance with the law and good practices and will not take actions or omissions that may cause harm to it or to any other user.
In particular, the use of the Company's services for any illegal purpose is strictly prohibited, including but not limited to publication of pornographic content, pirated content, files originating from theft, republication of content without the necessary permission of the publisher, sending of mass correspondence without the consent of the recipients and the disclosure of the sender's identity. Any user who uses or encourages visitors to the pages through links to content or practices falling under the above, may be immediately terminated by the collaboration with Falelakis, which reserves the right to claim compensation for positive and negative damage resulting from the illegal behavior.
Falelakis reserves the right to freely modify or revise the terms and conditions of its website whenever it deems necessary, and undertakes the obligation to inform visitors of any changes, through the pages of this website.
The intellectual property rights of the content (including texts, graphics, images, photos, and software) and the services of the site that have been or will be introduced on the internet, are protected by Greek, community, and international laws on intellectual property and belong exclusively to Falelakis. Any copying, reproduction, and transmission of the material is strictly prohibited without the written permission of the company, and is made available to website visitors only for personal use (non-profit or commercial).
The names, images, logos, and distinctive features representing the Falelakis website or third parties and their products or services, are exclusively the trademarks of Falelakis or third parties protected by the relevant laws on trademarks. Their appearance on the website should in no way be construed as a transfer or assignment of a license or right to use them.
Falelakis declares that the content, products, and services are provided through the website "AS IS." Falelakis makes every possible effort to provide high-quality services, but does not guarantee that there will be no interruptions, errors, or harmful elements in the contents of the website and therefore is not responsible for any damage caused in case of network or system unavailability. Consequently, the Company is not responsible for any problems arising in the uploading of the content of the website to the user's server.
The Company is not responsible for the content of the information passing through its server network. It does not guarantee the reliability of any information appearing on the internet via or through its services or the commercial or personal liability of anyone appearing on the internet, and is not responsible for any damages that may occur to the user or visitors or to those who transact with them, including data loss due to delays, non-delivery of goods, or interruption of services for any reason, error, or omission, and does not bear any responsibility for any damage nor for any legal or civil or criminal claims from website users. Visitors agree to use it at their own risk.
Declaration of Confidentiality
Questions, requests that are completed, and generally electronic correspondence are considered confidential.
The information provided to us is used only for sending electronic replies and is not transferred except to the intended recipient. Also, in case we are requested by the law or if we deem that the content of our messages is harmful, they will be transferred to the competent authorities in order to:
protect ourselves against unauthorized, unlawful, and generally improper use of the site
protect the security and property of the users
protect our legal rights and our assets.
Falelakis has the right to add and modify the content or services of the site, as well as the terms of use, whenever it deems it necessary and without prior notice, with the sole announcement through its site.
Any reference or hyperlink to another site is provided for the convenience of our users and we are not responsible for the content, products, and services provided on those sites or any link included in a related website, or any changes or updates on such websites.
The terms of use of the above-mentioned websites were drawn up based on the set of laws of both Greek and European and international and are interpreted according to the rules of good faith, commercial practices, and the social and economic purpose of the right. If a term or provision of these terms of use were to be deemed void or cancellable, this voidness/cancellation does not affect the validity of the other terms.