Duration of heat
Extremely high
Ash content
Consistently high
Heat intensity
Consistently high
The Sawdust BBQ Spark is not just a product, but the result of a long history of continuous evolution and innovation. Created from compressed sawdust, the Sawdust BBQ Spark comes from large factories that processed wood, utilizing the sawdust that would otherwise remain unused.
The sawdust underwent special processes to be utilized to the fullest extent. Thanks to special machines, it takes the form of a hexagonal briquette. Then, the sawdust is baked in special kilns to become high-quality charcoal, capable of providing the power and consistency that customers seek.
So, the Sawdust BBQ Spark is a story of recycling and discovery. From the unused sawdust, a new energy source was born, confirming the philosophy that nothing should go to waste, and everything has value when used correctly.
With Sawdust BBQ Spark, ideal grilling requires patience. While the initial ignition process may take a little longer, the power and duration it provides is unparalleled. With consistent performance and continuous grilling, this briquette ensures a perfect result every time.
The Sawdust BBQ Spark is not just a briquette, it is a message for the future, representing the next generation in grilling fuels. By using residues from wood processing, this product is a step towards environmental protection, promoting renewable energy sources and sustainability.